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How to Recognise Burnouts at an Early Stage


How to Recognise The Burnouts

Burnouts are real. Sadly it’s not uncommon for people to experience burnout at work and it can happen at any age. Their causes are varied but common ones include physical or mental exhaustion, a lack of control over one’s time or job, and feelings of perfectionism.

When I was 24, I sat in an employee bathroom and just cried. I felt useless, anxious and totally worthless at my job. I was completely burnt out by my career which had only just begun.

Since my own experiences with burnout, I’ve switched careers and become passionate about empowering my team on how to take care of themselves.

Burnouts Happen To The Best of Us

I wanted to share some of these learnings with you as well so you can recognise early signs of burnout and attempt to stop them in their tracks. Burnout is a state of physical mental or emotional exhaustion that’s caused by long-term stress some of the triggers include over-exerting yourself to meet expectations, one’s own high standards and unrealistic deadlines.

With the rise in remote work, separating your work and personal life has never been more difficult.

Some of the signs to be on the lookout for to see if you’re experiencing burnout at work having overwhelming anxiety, feeling constantly stressed and having fatigue which makes it harder to go about your everyday life.

If you’re constantly focusing on the negatives about your job or complaining about your job more than often, that might also be a sign of burnout.

Likewise, if you experience a lack of motivation, enthusiasm or focus or you feel just completely disconnected from what you’re doing at work these are big warning signs that you might be either burnt out already or getting to that point.

What Can I do About Burnouts?

There are many different ways you can help combat the symptoms of burnout if that’s what you’re experiencing.

Although it may seem obvious one of the most important ways is making sure that you’re eating nutritiously and getting enough sleep. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed try to focus on taking a little bit more time for yourself do something that you enjoy to relax and unwind and if needed try to talk to someone who understands what you’re going through.

Where possible try not to take responsibility for things at work that isn’t part of your job and make sure you switch them off at the end of the day even if this means switching off notifications or leaving your work phone in another room.


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Related Article On Burnouts:

Signs of a Work Burnout and How to Avoid Them

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